Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years and Christmas

This was another good Holiday season! We went to Nebraska to see my family like usual, and had a great time even though we both had to work the day after Christmas!
This year, we decided to get one big gift for the both of us, we got a new laptop...

On New Years, we went down to my cousin's house in Longmont and went to a house party from there... I have never played rock band before, and I really sucked at it!


Trevor and Dayna said...

Looks like you had fun. I love New Years Eve. We always have a big party at our house with all our friends and it is the best. HOpe all is going good for you guys. Talk to you later

The Perkins Family said...

My sister got rock band for Christmas and we played it for like two days straight. Fun times. Looks like you had a great Christmas and New Year's.